Baptism | baby dedication

Matthew 28:19

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Baptism is a profound symbol of spiritual rebirth and a public declaration of one’s dedication to follow Jesus Christ. It’s a joyful moment where individuals proclaim their faith and are immersed in the cleansing waters, symbolizing their union with Christ in His death and resurrection.

Baby dedication is a heartfelt declaration where parents, alongside the church community, commit to raising their child in the ways of faith. It’s a precious opportunity to present their little one before God, seeking His blessings and guidance as they embark on the journey of parenthood.

Both baptism and baby dedication are cherished occasions where we come together as a church family to celebrate God’s faithfulness and His eternal promises. Whether you’re taking the step of baptism or dedicating your child to the Lord, we invite you to join us in these meaningful moments of worship, love, and dedication to God’s purposes.